News & Funding

Children of Sandwell invited to name our new bin lorries

22 July 2024

Sandwell Council and its waste partner Serco

are excited to announce a competition to name its new fleet of recycling collection vehicles.

From 16 July to 31 July, young residents are invited to submit their most creative and imaginative names for the 12 new bin lorries, which have been busy collecting recycling across the borough, keeping our communities clean.

The vehicles which have been supplied by West Midlands-based Dennis Eagle, represent significant investment into the waste collection service and are cleaner and greener which support the council’s wider environmental ambitions related to air quality and carbon emissions.

The competition is open to children aged between 4 and 12 years old, and submissions can be made through Sandwell Council’s website. Participants are encouraged to be as creative as possible, drawing inspiration from our local culture, history, the environment, or anything that reflects the spirit of the Sandwell community.

Councillor Keith Allcock, Cabinet Member for Highways and Environment, said: "We believe that involving the community in naming our bin lorries will foster a greater sense of ownership and pride in our local services,"

"Giving children the chance to name our fleet of bin lorries is a fun way of engaging with the younger members of our community and kick-starting a discussion around recycling, waste and the environment."

Serco, Sandwell Council’s waste partner, is equally enthusiastic about the initiative.

Tony Marston, Senior Contract Manager at Serco, said: "We're thrilled to lead this competition and intrigued to see the creative ideas the community comes up with. These names will give our hardworking bin lorries a unique identity and highlight the community's role in maintaining a sustainable environment."

The winning names will be announced on Sandwell Council's social media channels, e-newsletters and website during August, with the selected names being proudly displayed on the new vehicles. Winners will receive a special prize and invitation to a VIP visit to Serco’s depot later this summer as well as the children being stars of an upcoming recycling campaign.

How to participate:

  1. Visit the Sandwell Council website to submit your entry.
  2. Share your ideas on Sandwell’s and Serco’s social media using the hashtag #NameThatBinLorry
  3. Let your friends and family know about the competition and encourage them to participate too! Then colour in our downloadable poster to stick on your blue-lid bin so our bin crews know you’ve taken part.

For more information about the competition, full terms and conditions and to submit entries


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