News & Funding

Important information about returning postal votes

02 July 2024

information about returning postal votes

Please post your postal votes back via Royal Mail – it's the easiest way to return your vote.

🗉 If you do drop your postal vote into a polling station on polling day or Sandwell Council House in Oldbury, a change in the law means you’ll have to fill in a form. You will need to include your name and address, how many postal votes you are handing in and why you are handing in those postal votes.

A maximum of five postal votes (plus your own) can be hand delivered.

If you leave a postal vote without completing the postal vote return form it will be rejected.

Postal votes cannot be put in the post box at Sandwell Council House. So when you receive your postal vote, fill it in and pop it in the post box – it's the easiest way.

Find out more about returning your postal vote.

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