News & Funding

Look after others during warmer weather

24 June 2024


⚠️ The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and the Met Office have issued a yellow heat-health alert

for the West Midlands.

Top tips to stay cool in hot weather:

👒  Stay out of the sun. If you are outside stay in the shade or wear a hat

🏡  Keep your home as cool as possible – shading windows and shutting them during the day may help. Open them when it is cooler at night

💦  Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water

☀️  Don’t forget to wear sun cream

🌡️ If you or someone else feels unwell with a high temperature during hot weather, it may be heat exhaustion or heatstroke.

The alert is in place between 9am Monday 24 June and 6pm Thursday 27 June.

For more advice and guidance on hot weather safety

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